Adult Daycare License

Definition & Services: Adult Daycare centers provide daytime care for adults, particularly elderly or disabled individuals, in a non-residential setting. Services often include supervision, social activities, meals, and sometimes personal care services like assistance with bathing or eating, but do not involve skilled medical care.

  • Licensing Requirements:
  • AHCA Licensing: Adult Daycare centers must obtain a license from AHCA, which involves meeting specific facility and operational standards.
  • Non-Residential Care: Unlike HHAs, Adult Daycare centers do not provide in-home services. Instead, clients attend the daycare facility during the day and return to their homes afterward.
  • Service Limitations: The license permits the provision of personal care services, but any medical care must be minimal and within the scope allowed under the adult daycare license.
  • Staff Requirements: Staff at Adult Daycare centers must be trained in first aid and CPR, and the facility must have policies for handling emergencies. However, they do not need to be licensed healthcare professionals unless providing certain allowed medical services.